Ferrous absorption rate into the blood after its oxidation to ferric ions, and transit and plasma ferritin, become plasma iron and transferrin as a carrier transported to the liver, spleen, bone and other tissue iron protein in the form of storage. In bone, ferritin iron may be combined into hemoglobin. In skeletal muscle myoglobin become, in the iron deficiency, plasma iron transport rate increases, the absorption rate is accelerated to increase iron absorption. This product is mainly through the intestinal tract, skin excretion, a small amount of discharge of bile and sweat.
Indications: for because of chronic blood loss, menorrhagia, pregnant women, lactating women, children developmental stages due to iron deficiency anemia. For metabolic disorders caused by iron deficiency, child developmental disorders, mental and physical strength and decreased immunity loss and adjuvant therapy.
Gluconate, ferrous iron content of 11.6%. Iron is one of the important human element involved in the synthesis of hemoglobin, plays an important role in the transfer of oxygen and activities involved in human metabolism. Ferrous acid after oral glucose absorption through the duodenum, small to gastrointestinal irritation, mild effect, iron utilization, rapid onset. Within 2h after taking bogey tannin tea and eating food. Taking back the black stool is easy to be confused with the fecal occult blood. Drug effects: with ferrous sulfate. Involved in the synthesis of hemoglobin, plays an important role in the transfer of oxygen and metabolic activity in the body. Adaptation symptoms: for because of chronic blood loss, menorrhagia, pregnant women, lactating women, children developmental stages due to iron deficiency anemia. Adverse reactions and precautions: iron levels are low, so the lighter side effects. Can cause gastrointestinal discomfort, can cause nausea, abdominal pain, diarrhea, constipation. |