鮮Thistle, alias Ju thistle, artichoke, French lily, lotus lily, scientific Cynarascolymus L., Asteraceae (Comopsite) Cynara perennial herb. Mediterranean origin, evolution from artichoke (C.cardunculus L.) from
Artichoke proved to be a method for maintaining high efficiency of the liver, especially the effect of plant safety. In general the recommended usage range, almost not been found to have side effects. Even over-sensitive phenomenon rarely occurs. Artichoke Mediterranean region has long been used to protect and restore the function of the liver.
Artichoke bud bracts and receptacle can be eaten as a vegetable, the roots can be used as drugs, with enhanced liver function and diuretic effect. Artichoke bud nutritious. Contains moisture, protein, fat, carbohydrates, Victoria biological A, vitamin B, vitamin, calcium, phosphorus, iron. Containing artichoke leaf known as the treatment of chronic hepatitis and cholesterol-lowering effect. Artichoke contains magnesium, potassium, folate, carotenoids, zeaxanthin, fiber and other nutrients. Artichokes have said lobster vegetables, artichoke extract its standard dose is also used to treat high cholesterol and high triglycerides; artichokes in a class of water-soluble flavin can prevent the oxidation of cholesterol becomes bad cholesterol and reduce cardiovascular the risk of disease.
In effect ingredient contained in artichoke to artichokes acid (Cynarin) most familiar. It is a derivative of cinnamic acid. Artichoke acid to: improve the vitality of the liver, promote rule out liver toxins (such as digestion of proteins produced by ammonia) promote the regeneration of liver cells secrete bile,, improve digestion and fat (to regulate the body's cholesterol) contained artichokes other efficacy ingredients: flavonoids (Flavonoid: Lutcolin, Cynaosid, Scolymosid etc.) bitter elements (Sesquiterpenlacton, of which 50% is Cynaropikrin) the efficacy of these substances have assisted artichokes acids protect the liver and promote liver detoxification function. |