In all fungi have anti-cancer effects, the most striking is the birch Velvet. It is a birch tree was born in medicinal fungi, this fungus is extremely active, it will continue to absorb nutrients birch, and therefore has a very strong anti-cancer effects of a variety of tumor cells significantly inhibited. Prevents cancer metastasis, recurrence, enhance immunity and promote health. Birch Velvet chemical composition of the polysaccharide, obliquus streptozotocin, Inonotus alcohol, more oxygenated triterpenoids such as more than 215 kinds of ingredients that can effectively and growth hormone for anti-cancer and immune system disorders tumor . Birch Velvet Inonotus known as deep maroon polypore fungus fruiting bodies were equatorial umbrella under bark, brown meat bacteria, but rarely in nature to form fruiting bodies. Often damaged bark and hurt sarcoma-like section is formed sclerotia, such as the size of a fist or larger, hard surface, black, shiny, deep angled cracks, center hard and soft wood. General growth in the birch trunk class, was born on a small number of aspen and rowan, birch stumpage can cause white heartwood decay. Inonotus chemical composition of polysaccharides, obliquus streptozotocin, Inonotus alcohol, more oxygenated triterpenoids Inonotus
•, Trametes acid, a variety of lanosterol type triterpenoids, folic acid derivatives, aromatic herbs acid, clove and γ-hydroxy benzoic acid, as well as reports that tannin compounds, steroids, alkaloids have been isolated melanin class, low molecular weight polyphenols and lignin compounds.
• Inonotus contains a lot of cancer, lower blood pressure, blood sugar, immune function resurrection plant fiber polysaccharides. You can improve the vitality of the immune cells and inhibit cancer cell proliferation and recurrence, prevent the absorption of carcinogens and other harmful substances in the stomach and intestines, and promote excretion. The powder is said refined Inonotus diabetes cure rate of 93% |